How to choose an education path in Italy

Last updated on 16 November 2020

If you are a European citizen and need detailed and regularly updated information on the structure and organisation of education systems at all levels, consult the link below to exercise your rights in the internal market. The text in English and Italian contains a description and the characteristics of the education and training system in Italy, with the further aim of providing data transparency on the rules concerning the education sector in Italy.

The information is structured as follows:

  • main characteristics of the education and training system
  • education system levels:
    • early childhood education and care
    • compulsory education
    • first stage of education
    • second stage of education
    • higher education
    • adult education
  • Structure of the Education and Training System

Eurydice: Italy overview
More insights about Italian System

Meta description: Characteristics, structure and levels of the Italian education and training system in Italy

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