Recognition of the qualification of childcare worker

Italian Version

Last updated on 2 december 2021

Childcare workers who have obtained their qualification abroad (EU and non-EU countries) and wish to exercise the profession of childcare worker in Italy can apply for recognition of their professional qualification under Directive 2005/36/EC, as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decrees No 206 of 6 November 2007 and No 15 of 28 January 2016 respectively.

Introduction to the procedure
In Italy, the profession of childcare worker is regulated at national level through Legislative Decree No 65 of 13 April 2017 and Ministerial Decree No 378 of 9 May 2018, which regulate the requirements laid down for exercising the profession of childcare worker. A childcare worker is responsible for preparing educational settings and plans and implements activities aimed at developing the potential for relationships, autonomy, creativity and learning in children from 3 to 36 months in an appropriate play-based, affective and cognitive environment.

A childcare worker works in crèches (with children aged 3-36 months), nurseries (24-36 months), additional services (play areas 12-36 months, centres for children and families, home-based services 3-36 months), i.e. in the facilities referred to in Article 2(3) of Legislative Decree No 65 of 13 April 2017.

People who have obtained the qualification abroad (EU and non-EU countries) can exercise the profession of childcare worker in Italy by applying for recognition of the professional qualification in accordance with the aforementioned European Directive.

If there is a difference between the vocational training required in Italy and that held by the person concerned, compensatory measures may be taken, in this case an aptitude test or an adaptation period in facilities hosting educational services for children from birth to three years of age.

EU citizens holding a qualification as a childcare worker issued by an EU Member State must document the legal value of their professional qualification exclusively by means of an attestation of professional competence issued according to the European Directive by a competent authority in the country of origin of the qualification (Article 13 of European Directive 2013/55/EC – ‘Conditions for recognition’). 

Therefore, declarations of equivalence of qualification issued by Italian diplomatic representations abroad will not be accepted for qualifications obtained in an EU country as they are not provided for in the above European Directive.

On the other hand, declarations of equivalence of qualification issued by Italian diplomatic representations in situ will only be required for qualifications obtained in non-EU countries. However, these declarations must not be limited to certifying the value of the qualification, but must also certify its value as a qualification for the exercise of the profession (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Circular Ref. MAE0106934 of 29 July 2021).

Instructions for submitting an application

An application for recognition can only be submitted via the platform ‘Riconoscimento Titolo Educatore dell'Infanzia’ (Recognition of Childcare Worker Qualification)

Go to the ‘Riconoscimento Titolo Educatore dell’Infanzia’ application.

No other method of submitting or sending the professional recognition application will be accepted. Documentation sent by any other means to the offices of the Ministry will therefore be disregarded

All the operational details can be found in the relevant guide.

As explained in the operating guide, after accessing the application, an online service desk is available to request assistance and consult FAQs.

The competent office for recognition of the profession of childcare worker is unable to resolve technical problems with the platform.

Conversely, the team staffing the above help desk is only competent to deal with platform technical problems and cannot answer questions relating to administrative aspects of the procedure: the answers to these questions can be found in the aforementioned guide.

Office VIII of the Directorate General for Education Regulations and the Evaluation and Internationalisation of the National Education System training.

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