How to have a professional qualification, including vocational education and training, recognised in Italy

Italian Version

Last updated on 16 November 2020

The system for the recognition of degrees and qualifications follows different procedures depending on the training sectors involved. The procedures depend on the responsibilities assigned to the various institutions providing the service (State and regions).

In particular:

  1. Education sector, this is a State responsibility (Ministry of Education, regional education offices and educational institutions), leading to the issue of secondary school, technical and vocational certificates of upper secondary education at the end of the second stage of education (NQF /EQF level 4). The procedure for recognition of degrees equivalent to certificates of upper secondary education is only accessible
    • to EU citizens
    • to holders of international protection
    • to Italian nationals who have obtained the degree abroad,
    • to Italian citizens who have acquired citizenship by marriage or naturalisation.

For the sole purpose of taking part in public competitions, third-country nationals holding a long-term EU residence permit may apply for ‘equivalence’ of their degree, valid solely for the purposes of the competition procedure.

You must submit your application for recognition of your degree to the regional educational offices, accompanied by:

  • the original diploma for which recognition is requested or a certified copy, translated and accompanied by a declaration of value;
  • the list of subjects taught issued in official form by the home institution, translated;
  • a detailed syllabus of subjects studied in each year (ministerial syllabus), translated.

You may be asked to carry out any additional tests considered necessary in order to fully match your degree with the one you are submitting for recognition. This will be done through the appointment of a special ministerial board.

With the exception of equivalent degree for participation in public competitions, the decree (or legal provision) recognising the title, gives legal status to a degree valid throughout Italy

  1. The vocational education and training sector, which is the responsibility of individual regions, consisting of:
    1. three-year vocational education and training courses issuing vocational qualifications (NQF/EQF level 3) and four-year pathways awarding vocational diplomas (NQF/EQF level 4) defined by the National Inventory of reference profiles for vocational qualifications and diplomas.
      The courses are standardised throughout Italy. The recognition procedure is the responsibility of the individual regions. You can apply for recognition in one of the regions where the training course for which you are seeking recognition is held.
      The decree (or legal provision) recognising the qualification (three-year qualification or professional diploma) is valid throughout Italy, irrespective of the region granting recognition.
    2. vocational training courses of varying duration (six-monthly, annual, biennial and triennial) which issue certificates and/or degrees relating to the reference professional profiles defined by the individual regions with their regional qualification Inventories. The recognition procedure is the responsibility of the region where the course is taught and for which recognition of the final degree is requested. You can apply for recognition in the region where the training course for which you are seeking recognition is held.
      In this case, the degree recognition decree is valid only within the region granting recognition.


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